“You may feel Reiki in the form of heat, cold, electrical, tingling, a breeze outside, energy movement inside, or muscles twitching. Some healees, especially those with bone or ligament problems, may feel pain for up to three days; but most times, when the pain goes away the problem goes as well.
You may also experience unusual colours, sounds, or smells, or some sensation from one of your senses. It is not important to understand what each experience means as it is simply one of your senses becoming aware of Reiki energy and how it works within you. Just accept whatever occurs passively, with the understanding that not everyone will experience all, or even one sensation.
Whether you experience a lot, or nothing, is not the relevant point. The relevant point is whether the scores of the symptoms reduces over a period of time.”
Dr. Alan Sweeney www.reiki-healing.com, Universal Copyright 2001