Natural Energy Centre – About Us



We at the Natural Energy Centre (NEC) provide complete complementary health services. We seek to assist our clients;

  • To live a wellness lifestyle which will in turn lead to the prevention of illness before it becomes either chronic or fatal.
  • Assist our clients who are in medical care to recover faster from adverse side effects of treatment.
  • Assist our clients in pre-operative and post-operative surgical discomfort.
  • Train out therapists to carry on the Vision and Mission of energy work in complementary health services.



To assist the needs of our clients based on consultation or upon request we provide the following;

  • Integrated Energy Therapy (This includes Consultation, Skeletal Realignment, Relaxation therapy) 
  • Emotional Release Therapy (Includes Consultation and Emotional Therapy)
  • Energy  Balancing
  • Skeletal Realignment  (This includes Assessment and treatment, 1st appointment)
  • Aura Clearing                   
  • Karmic Clearing 
  • Crystal Therapy                
  • Bio-mat Therapy
  • Massage 
  • Reflexology

Challenges we help our clients overcome are as follows;

  • Pain and discomfort
    Clients have received successful treatment for back pains, joint pain, arthritis, pre and post surgical procedures, migraine headaches, accident related injuries and other ailments that require general pain management.
  • Emotional distress
    We have been successful in treating emotional imbalances in those who have been subjected to various traumatic experiences; physical, mental and emotional abuse, bereavement and job loss.
  • Stress Management
    Research has shown that 90% of ailments are due to stress related issues.  We have been successful in assisting our clients in removing stress with the use of Energy Techniques that assist in relaxation of the whole body.
  • Addictive Behaviours
    Many addictive behaviours have been treated successfully by the use of Energy Techniques employed by our practitioners.  Behaviours including smoking, drinking and chocolate overeating are among a few that can and have been treated.

We seek at all times to complement Allopathic Practitioners in order to help their patients recovery.

Training and Workshops include;
We hold a number of training sessions and workshops throughout the year to assist those who wish to learn and also pursue instructor training in the various fields of therapy.


Students can be trained in all levels of Usui Reiki including;
–       Level 1 and 2
–       Level 3 – Practitioner
–       Level 4 – Master Teacher

Quantum_TouchQuantum Touch                                                                      A student can be trained to become a Basic Quantum To Practitioner, which includes;                                                      – Effective breathing and body awareness exercises              – How to decrease pain and inflammation                                – Reduce and eliminate back pain                                                                                         – How to use extraordinary distant healing method                                                         – How to work with pets and other animals

Dowsing_PendulmIntuition Technique (Dowsing)
This method of energy work trains students in the use of their superconscious to interpret subtle energies in others for the purpose of healing.  Students are also trained to use instruments and tools to detect negative or low frequency energies in their physical environment


Chakra Balancing                                                                           Workshops are taught on the various components that comprise the body’s energy system (Chakras) and how to maintain a state of balance.


“When one’s mind is open, healing is possible at all levels and to all that lives.”